Thanks to Carolyn Boies for finding and sharing this with everyone over at redboneresearchgroup. This came from the web site Report made by: Thomas Buckley Place where made: Lake Charles, La
Date when made: 6-26-18
In Re – James C. Perkins – Lyman Perkins – Deserters, U.S.A.,
Joshua Perkins – Harboring Deserters.
Went to Singer in order to get information on the above subject, report on which was made by me for 6-24-18. Met Deputy Sheriff T.A. Wood, who told me that James and Lyman Perkins were in the vicinity of their father at home Saturday night, Mr. Wood saying that a posse surrounded the house, but that the two boys managed to get away in an automobile. This automobile is said to have been driven at the time by Seebe Rogers, who is at present out of Singer and expected back in a few days. Mr. Wood believes that the two boys are now at the home of one of their relatives about thirty miles from Singer.
He also said that on the night that the house was surrounded he met Almond Perkins, a brother in law at 10:30 having made an engagement in the afternoon with the brother in law, who said that he would turn James and Lyman Perkins over to him. Mr. Wood said that Almond Perkins told him that he had met the tow deserters, but said that they refused to give themselves up, also saying that they said they would be shot rather than be sent to the penitentiary, Almond Perkins saying that both boys were armed with rifles and are desperate.
Sheriff Wood also informed that Norah Ashworth, who resides a short distance from the Perkins home saw the two boys last Friday night, 6-21-18 at the home of their father and that the father had brought several packages of tobacco to them. Nora Ashworth has been furnishing all the information about the deserters to Sheriff Wood, but the girl’s mother is very friendly to the Perkins family. I was going to visit Norah Ashworth in order to get a statement from her which would justify me in swearing out an affidavit against Joshua Perkins on the charge of harboring his son James, but Sheriff Wood advised that by me calling on this girl to get her evidence, it would probably result seriously for her, Mr. Wood saying that the Perkins boys would not hesitate to do her an injury.
The girl however, according to Mr. Wood will testify against the farther of the two boys to prove that he was harboring them and she is willing to appear against the boys or the father at anytime. On this information I thought it advisable not to visit this girl and put her in jeopardy.
Joshua Perkins, the father of the boys has already been in the Louisiana State Penitentiary on three occasions and it is said that he has killed seven men during his time, and is considered a dangerous character.
The section where the boys are located is known as the sabine swamp and it is difficult to locate them, as the majority of the people in that section are relatives of the Perkins and no doubt the two deserters receive warnings when anyone approaches.
I think it would be advisable to make an affidavit against Joshua Perkins, the father, as this girl Norah Ashworth can furnish the evidence that the father was harboring the boys, when she is called on. The father however denied that the boys have been about his place since last March, but it is evident that he is not telling the truth.
Thomas Buckley Lake Charles, LA 6-26-18
AT Singer, La
Was informed today by Sheriff Reid, at Lake Charles that Joshua Perkins, who resides five miles from Singer, La, was arrested and placed in jail, at Lake Charles 6-22-18. Perkins was arrested on a warrant sworn out, at the District Court, at De Ridder, charging him with aiding and harboring deserters from the U.S. Army, the warrant being sworn out by Mr. L. D. MeCollister, DE Ridder, La. Perkins has two sons, James C. and Lyman Perkins, who deserted from the army, at Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, La.
I talked with Joshua Perkins in the Jail, at Lake Charles where he told me that his two sons had came back from the camp sometime during December, 1918, (I think it should be December 1917) , James C. Perkins going to his father’s home where he remained about two days, the other brother Lyman going to his, Lyman’s home, as the latter is married, Lyman remaining about two days, when a stranger came in an automobile called the boys who got into the automobile, one of the party saying they would be in Houston, Tex. By daylight. The father of the boys saying that is the last he heard or seen of them.
According to Deputy Sheriff Harmon, who made the arrest he Harmon was informed that a Miss Nellie Ashworth, who resides near the home of the Perkin’s had told Deputy Sheriff Wood, at Singer that the two boys were seen frequently in the vicinity, and that they are still believed to be in that section. It is also said that there are two or three other deserters in that locality. I will visit Singer as soon as possible to get further information on this subject.
Thomas Buckley Lake Charles, La 7-7-18
IR- James C. Perkins – Lyman Perkins – Deserters, U.S.A.
Joshua Perkins – Harboring deserters
Previous reports made on this subject 6-25-18 and 7-4-18.
Sheriff Reid receiving an order from the District Court, De Ridder to release Joshua Perkins freed the subject 7-6-18.
While in De Ridder I discussed the Perkins affair with Dr. J. A. Knight, Merryville, La. to whom James C. and Lyman Perkins surrendered. Dr. Knight saying that he turned the above over to military authorities, at Camp Beauregard, Alex.
Dr. Knight told me that he will be responsible for Joshua Perkins and that he will see that he is brought to court, or any place the government desires, if it is necessary. As the two boys have been returned to camp, I did not make affidavit against their father Joshua Perkins.
Thomas Buckley Lake Charles, La 7-8-18
In RE- James C. Perkins – Lyman Perkins- Deserters
Joshua Perkins- Harboring Deserters
Received word from Deputy Sheriff Wood, Singer, La. that James C. Perkins and Lyman Perkins, brothers, who resided about four miles from Singer and who had deserted from the Army, at Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, La. surrendered to Mr. Wood and Dr. Knight, of Merryville, La.
The two soldiers gave themselves up on the night of June 30 – 1918, Dr. Knight taking them back to camp in his automobile where they were given in charge of the military authorities.
The father of the two soldiers Joshua Perkins is still in jail, at Lake Charles, where he is being detained on a charge made against him by the stat to wit – harboring deserters.
Since the soldiers have returned Sheriff Martin, at De Ridder, who is the sheriff of Beauregard Parish, where the father and the soldiers reside sent word to Sheriff Reid, at Lake Charles to release the father.
Previous report was made on this matter, latest being 6-25-18
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